Saturday, July 14, 2012

Refeeling BIC:
A project that examines BIC pens from different view-points; history, human gestures, the product's characteristics, humor and fun.

The thin wooden plates are fastened via recesses cut into the wood without use of an adhesive. The geometry of their connection allows the chair to be stable for sitting and flexible when interacting with the body.

Birch plywood 4mm,6mm,8mm

This lamp is Fall.
Its light is no longer coming from above. It has broken up and shines downwards in a myriad of reflections, and like a tree that remembers the years, so we remember innocent childhood games, magical moments.
This lamp holds a secret; a secret we all know from out childhood days. A simple mirage; a cylinder containing mirrors that replicate the environment emanating from within and create magic.

Several items created in the scope of a course during my studies;
Brooch for the homesick:
A safety-pin that, when worn, sets the path towards home.
Using a minor twist, the clothes-pin serves as a clothes-hook in addition to fastening clothes to the clothesline in the classic method.
For business-people who prefer going to the beach.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


By bending a brass rod, a memory is created; a reminiscent story of a candlestick that is no longer seen today. The candlestick is flexible and connects to different tea-plates and so can change its character, while maintaining the silhouette of the familiar candlestick.

Brass 2mm